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Barham Primary School

Embedding Excellence

Barham Primary School

Embedding Excellence

eSafety Links Key Stage 2

Year 3 

Cyberquests projects (teachernet) 

RBKC Fact or fiction activity (Rocks and soils) 

LGfL 12 rules for responsible use 

Tomato Spider spoof website 

Children’s search engines:

On-line encyclopaedia: 

Postman Pat card writing activity 

RBKC Email activity – Lets e mail 

Fairy Periwinkle/ environmental issues resource 

RBKC emailing for research (Greeks) via MLE forum 

RBKC lesson – safe surfing with Dongle (links to several lesson plans) 

Pupils decide what to pass on to friends and who to pass on to using the Cybersmart ‘Crowd surfing’ activityPupils decide what to do with different resources and which to discuss, bin or are safe using the Cybersmartdrop box’ activity and the ‘flip and fix’ activity Horrible histories video here being aware of what you are receiving via e mail. (Lady Jane Grey receives an interesting e-mail!) 

Pupils decide what to pass on to friends ad who to pass on to using the Cybersmart 'Crowd Surfing' activity.  Pupils decide what to do with different resources and which to discuss, bin or are safe using the Cybersmart 'drop box' activity and the 'flip and 'fix' activity.  Watch the Horrible Histories video being aware of what you are receving via e.mail. (Lady Jane Grey receives an interesting e-mail!)

KS1 and 2 Safer Internet Day Assembly video 
ThinkUKnow CyberCafe lessons

  1. Using technology to communicate
  2. Introducing cybercafé
  3. Communication and information
  4. Using email safely - in resources area and registered. Logged in can download resources, one of 
which is ‘Lee and Kim’s Magical adventure’ Adding contacts into their own e mail address book 

Cyber café – Sunil activities 

Disney-based activities for safety issues 

Pupils introduced to the top tips poster and discuss the tips. Or use the top tips text style poster 

Know It All Primary Smart Crew 

Chapter 1 Accepting ( E mail ) Horrible histories video here importance of internet privacy settings. (Guy Fawkes has problems sharing personal information) LGfL Podcasting 


Video conferencing 

RBKC Podcasting activity 

Discuss / role play issues around people having websites such as ‘Rate my friend’ where all asked to write about each others positive and negative aspects of personality. Using an alias when signing up to things online e.g.–ClubPenguin, CBBC Play star riders – use the publish option when saving. Horrible histories video here importance of internetprivacy settings. (Guy Fawkes has problems sharing personal information.) 

Year 4 

RBKC Safe Internet search activity 

Tree Octopus: spoof website for evaluation 

ThinkUKnow Cybercafe Lessons 5 ‘responsible use of the internet’ go to resources area and once registered and logged in can download resources 

CyberQuoll Episode 2 – ‘Finding Stuff’ (safe searching) and lessons 2.1-2.5 from the teachers guide PDFcyberquoll 

Age appropriate websites related to topics Children’s search engines; 

Children’s search engines: 
On-line encyclopaedia: 

RBKC Design an e safety poster CyberQuoll Episode 3 – ‘Making Waves’ (cyber communication) and lessons from the teachers guide (PDF) cyberquoll 

KS1 and 2 Safer Internet Day Assembly video. (register with site foraccess to materials) 

LGfL 12 rules 

Know It All Primary Smart Crew Chapter 2 Reliable ( Websites) Chapter 3 Safe ( Gaming) (Log on with USO) – collaboration between individuals and groups working on the same document 

Common sense – following digital trail activity 1 trail-2-3 

common sense – show online respect activity 2 online-k-2 

common sense – talking safely online activity 3 online-3-5 

CyberQuoll Episode 4 – ‘Puttin’ stuff up’ (cyber publishing) and lessons 4.1-4.6 lessons from the teachers guide (PDF) cyberquoll 

Pupils discuss the top tips txt poster and whether useful – thinking of audience. Participate in work on the school’s MLE as a class or wider cross-school group, such as School Council, book club or project group etc. 

Year 5 

Children’s search engines; 

On-line encyclopaedia: 

Cyberquests projects (teachernet) Produce own presentation using the Internet for some of the sources for work in another subject, such as History, geography, RE, English etc. 

Us Online -‘Boggle’ activity –web research and making decisions about quality and accuracy of searched information.NB pupils need to log on using their USO log in details. Lesson plan for Boggle 

Us Online – ‘Bug catcher’ activity to identify and stop unwanted security threats like viruses and malware and begin to understand threats. Lesson plan for Bug catcher 

Spoof site activity – RBKC Victorian robots Victorian Robots: spoof website for evaluation 

RBKC All about explorers 

Common sense – using keywords activity 1 k-2 

Common sense – privacy rules activity 2 

Teacher resource: Information Literacy materials on analysing websites, understanding web extensions from Note: you will need management permission to have the example site unblocked. 

KS 2 Safer Internet Day Assembly video. More explicit (register with site for access to materials) 

ThinkUKnow Cybercafe activities: Downloaded from the teachers area – Please note you will need to be registered and logged in to download these resources. 
Lesson plan 6 – chatting with care. Use ‘Sam’ Chat room activity within Cybercafe 
Lesson plan 7 – Using text and picture messaging. Use ‘Chloe’ text and SMS activity within Cybercafe 
Lesson plan 8 – behaving responsibly . Use ‘ Ali’ online personal space activity within Cybercafe 

Us Online -‘CUL8ER’ –with what to do with nasty texts NB pupils need to log on using their USO log in. Lesson plan for CUL8ER 

Create a ‘Stay safe online’ advice sheet for peers. RBKC design an e safety poster 

Use Publisher resource to decide on suitable format for advice/leaflet [Re-visit LGfL 12 rules

Pupils use Digital safety scenario cards for class discussion OR use MLE to set up forums for pupils to add ‘what would you do’ conversations based on scenario cards 

Us Online -‘Chatterboxes’ – activity dealing with netiquette and knowing what’s appropriate to say to others online NB pupils need to log on using their USO log in. Lesson Plan for Chatterboxes 

Know It All Primary Smart Crew Chapter 4 Tell (Social Network Site). Chapter 5 Meeting (Bullied on MSN) Use Beg, Borrow or steal’ to discuss issues with illegal music/ copyright laws Jigsaw assembly video from CEOP (links to CEOP via youtube) 

Digizen cyberbullying game 

Common sense screen out the mean activity 1 mean-2-3 

Us Online -‘Whose tube activity – activity dealing with ownership of material and copyright if creating online. 

NB pupils need to log on using their USO log in details. Lesson plan for My Face 

Pupils decide who is telling the truth using the Cybersmart ‘Pic your friends’ activity (activity for younger pupils but good discussion starter for thinking about how to find out who is telling the truth online) 

Set up a School Council/ class information page considering audience and its needs and visibility of the site.Use NEN gallery as safe searching image bank using the search functionality. 

Use the horrible histories video located here to demonstrate awareness that people might not create honest profiles. In this example a Victorian gentleman finds out the hard way why it's not a good idea to lie about your age online. 

Year 6 

Use hoax wiki contribution about helicopter shark 

Us Online -‘Megabyte’– activity dealing with downloading and checking sites are safe, reliable and appropriate to task. NB pupils need to log on using their USO log in. Lesson plan for Megabyte 

RBKC validating websites resource 

Us Online -‘Whose tube activity’ – activity dealing with ownership of material and copyright if creating online. (If not done in year 5) 

NB pupils need use USO log in. Lesson plan for Whose Tube 

Dog Island spoof website for evaluation 

CyberQuoll Episode 5– ‘Trying it on’ (cyber marketing) and lessons 5.1-5.6 lessons from the teachers guide (PDF)cyberquoll CyberQuoll Episode 5– ‘Kids in cyberspace’ (the big picture) and lessons 6.1-6.4 lessons from the teachers guide (PDF) cyberquoll 

Teacher resource: Information Literacy materials on analysing websites, understanding web-extensions from Note: will need management permission for example site unblocked. 

Cyberquests projects (Teachernet) – search using the creative commons 

licensing Digizen cyberbullying game 

Common sense choosing search site activity 1 site-4-5 

Create a guide sheet on how to present yourself online. Age appropriate websites related to topics. KS 2 Safer Internet Day Assembly video. 

‘You never know who you are talking to’ video 

Revisit LGfL 12 rules use and discuss in terms of school use and home use. 

Claire’s story from CEOP (11-16) Please note teachers need (CEOP or LA supported) training and support to deliver this. 

Know It All Primary Smart Crew - Full Video Use Come aloneCarmen’ to discuss grooming and people pretending to be not what they really are online. 

Digizen cyberbullying game 

Common sense power words activity 1 4-5 

‘Let’s fight it together -Cyberbullying’ Childnet comprehensive teaching resources and video : 

Transition project supported by online publishing; e.g. saying goodbye saying hello - the best of my primary learning? Use the horrible histories resource located here to demonstrate longevity of content uploaded to the internet – in this clip old embarrassing videos come back to haunt Saxon Monk, as he applies for an Abbotship 

Horrible histories video located here which demonstrates importance of internet privacy settings. In this example Guy Fawkes finds sharing personal information on the internet can get you in trouble. 

Digital dirt clip located here shows how social network postings and discussions can be used by future employers to find out about you. 

Us Online -‘Battle of the bands’ – activity dealing with keeping personal information private and thinking about what you post online and tagging/inappropriate photo images. NB pupils need to log on using their USO log in details . Lesson plan for battle of the bands Use ‘Cyber bullying’ to discuss bullying using technology. 

ThinkUKnow Cybercafe Lesson 9: Social Networking – Safe Profiling